Getting Hi-Rely to play with BackupExec
At first I was having some issues with the Hi-Rely eSata drive array swapping drives in and out. So I ended up reading the Symantec boards and found it to be a common issue. Perl of course came the rescue and a little bit of glue fixed it all up. Here’s the quick program I came up with to check which drives are available and pause and drives that are unavailable while activating any that are mounted using the bemcmd. SCRIPT
So Sorry
I would just like to apologize to the entire Husker Nation. I have not been wearing my Husker jamma pants this year which has caused some of the turnovers and mistakes this year. As of tonight I have donned my lucky pants in order to help us defeat the Jayhawks. Being a Husker who has been relocated to Kansas City it is a necessary to win this game and hopefully I have corrected this mistake in time.
Another UI Complaint
Okay so I’m not sure if I file this as a Mac or Windows complaint. In Entourage Command-T marks a message as read, unfortunately Command-R which sits right next to the T is Reply. So as I’m going through my morning mail and decide to mark some of my mailing lists as read to catch up on later, all it takes is a half inch mistype and now I’ve got 100 message reply windows open.
mac fun
Looking for something to entertain yourself using your MacBook
all time huskers
I haven’t seen this anywhere else but I’ve been playing a bunch of NCAA Football 08 lately and if you want the All Time Huskers team the code is “Go Big Red”. I’d seen codes for some other all time teams on the web and this was a pretty simple one to figure out.
I’ve made my own dynasty and the University of Kahleria is in it’s third season and the Plague is going to play in the SEC Championship game already, go me!
Waking up at 5:30 to your cell phone beep, beep, beeping as messages coming in is not how we sysadmins like to start our week. Calling your hosting provider for the second time in less than a week to open a ticket saying routing is screwed up and nobody can get to your servers makes for a bad Monday. Two hours of downtime even though it’s due to something out of my hands still reflects poorly on me as I’m that face of the hosting facility. I’m tired and grumpy and ready to go home but I need to work on getting this tertiary dns server setup because the facilities bandwidth isn’t proving to be reliable.
There I was rollin along with my old Beastie Boys in feeling all pimp when the realization hit me. I’m a thirtysomething white guy with a three button collar shirt driving my CRV through Brookside on my way to my office job. I opened the sunroof and turned it up.
deleting RHEL5 virtual guest
When deleting virtual machines in RHEL5 be sure to get the /etc/sysconfig/rhn/virt/*.xml file that relates to you machine as well as the /etc/xen/ file and the machines partition.
unspotable spotlight
If I run a spotlight search in OSX I should damn well be able to Command-Tab back to it.
So today I ended up updating my Facebook entry and making it something a little bit more informative. At this point posts to my website’s wordpress will get shot out to livejournal and picked as a feed for Facebook, if everything is working correctly. There’s also that LinkedIn account hanging around out there and the Twitter account which when combined with the 6 different IM accounts makes keeping track of all my servers look easy.
I’m thinking I need to engineer the CUIE, which is the Common User Information Exchange spec which when implemented ideally by all blogging and community networks would help pass info between them and keep me from trying to remember the 956 social networking accounts I have.