30 seconds to running Cloud Foundry app

Posted by scottk on April 30, 2013 in Ramblings |

cloud-foundry-logoI’ve been sitting on the bigdatamidwest domain for awhile planning to do something with it and it looks like I’m finally going to have the time and backing by my company to get to work on it. In an attempt to do some dogfooding I decided I’d start out by throwing up a Cloud Foundry instance to see just how hard it was. The first step was setting up a Cloudfoundry.com account, which took longer then creating and deploying at sample app. My first journey into dropping an app is as follows:

scottkahler$ gem install vmc
scottkahler$ gem install sinatra
scottkahler$ mkdir bigdatamidwest
scottkahler$ cd bigdatamidwest/
scottkahler$ vim bdmw.rb

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘sinatra’
get ‘/’ do
“Hello from BigDataMidwest”


scottkahler$ vmc target api.cloudfoundry.com
Setting target to https://api.cloudfoundry.com... OK
scottkahler$ vmc push
Please log in first to proceed.
target: https://api.cloudfoundry.com
Email> my.email@address.com
Password> **********
Authenticating... OK
Name> bigdatamidwest
Instances> 1
1: sinatra
2: other
Framework> 1
1: ruby18
2: ruby19
3: other
Runtime> 2
1: 64M
2: 128M
3: 256M
4: 512M
5: 1G
6: 2G
Memory Limit> 1
Creating bigdatamidwest... OK
1: bigdatamidwest.cloudfoundry.com
2: none
Domain> bigdatamidwest.cloudfoundry.com
Updating bigdatamidwest... OK
Create services for application?> n
Bind other services to application?> n
Save configuration?> yes
Saving to manifest.yml... OK
Uploading bigdatamidwest... OK
Starting bigdatamidwest... OK
Checking bigdatamidwest...
 0/1 instances: 1 starting
 1/1 instances: 1 running

And BAM! I’ve got a running app.

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