ubuntu 12.04 upgrade

Posted by scottk on May 15, 2012 in Ramblings |

Shot up to the ubuntu 12.04LTS release last week. Things I currently am having issues with

DNS when I connect to the VPN has been all kinds of funky. I believe I fixed this today by turning off dnsmasq

I really don’t want a local resolver, how can I turn it off?

To turn off dnsmasq in Network Manager, you need to edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and comment the “dns=dnsmasq” line (put a # in front of it) then do a “sudo restart network-manager”.

My other issue has been going back and forth between the office and going from two monitors to my single laptop monitor. I haven’t have a change to figure out exactly what the problem is but if I delete my mointors.xml it gets me up and running for the time being.

Edit (2012-05-30): Deleting monitor XML did fix it up. It’s probably some cruft from running through the upgrade process that last two or three updates instead of doing a fresh install.


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