Virtual Box Disk Clone SLES10

Posted by scottk on January 26, 2010 in Sysadmin, Virtualization |

So I wanted to create a copy of a Virtual Box SLES10 .vdi in Ubuntu, it’s not as easy as just copying the file.

On your host:

VBoxManage clonehd Original.vdi NewCopy.vdi

Create a new machine and point to this new image.

In the virtual machine:

When you boot it’s going to drop you to a prompt because the boot parameters are using the UUID of your old system and VBoxManage create a new UUID when you cloned the disk. So at the prompt:

mkdir /mnt

mount /dev/hda2 /mnt

/mnt/sbin/hdparm -i /dev/hda

Get the new UUID and replace the old one in the following two files

/mnt/bin/vi /mnt/etc/fstab

/mnt/bin/vi /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst


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